Friday, November 6, 2009

Filled with inspiration from DesignThinkers 2009

Yeah, I'm pretty exhausted but in a good, super inspired kind of way! I've spent the week getting recharged and pumped about design both creatively and professionally during DesignThinkers 2009. The week of events was kicked off with a screening of Art & Copy on Monday evening, two jam-packed days of amazing speakers and studio tours on Thursday. I'm still kind of processing the past few days but I just wanted to share a few shots.

Monday, November 2, 2009

DesignThinkers 2009

DesignThinkers is back for another round of design inspiration! This will be RGD Ontario's 10th annual international conference focusing on the role of design in business, society and future health of the planet. The conference takes place on November 3rd and 4th, with additional events throughout the week.

I have been to two other DesignThinkers conferences and both have been an exceptionally inspiring experiences. I've come out of these with fresh ideas, connected with other designers and industry professionals and boat loads of books to keep me inspired. It's pretty much impossible to not be inspired or amazed with an amazing lineup of speakers.

I'm pretty pumped about it already.